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product aohea american style rectangular stainless steel bento lunch box wholesale sealed lunch box for adults and kids-45

R Aohea lce Bento Box

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Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids

Aohea amerískur stíll rétthyrnd ryðfríu stáli Bento hádegisbox heildsölu lokað hádegisbox fyrir fullorðna og börn

Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids details
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids factory
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids factory
Hönnun stíll
Amerískur stíll
Tegund borðbúnaðar
Ryðfrítt stál
Bento kassi
Keramik gerð
Gerð númer
Ryðfrítt stál
Matur pakki
Matur Contaienr
Sérsniðið lógó ásættanlegt
Há hæfni
LFGB vottorð
23 * 15 * 5cm
Pökkun og afhending
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids manufacture
1. Ein stk í perlubómullarpoka og síðan 20/24 stk í sendingaröskju 2. Ein stk í perlu bómullarpoka og litakassa og síðan 20/24 stk í sendingaröskju
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids manufacture
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
Aohea American Style Rectangular Stainless Steel Bento Lunch Box Wholesale Sealed Lunch Box for Adults and Kids supplier
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Algengar spurningar
1. Hver erum við?
Við erum með aðsetur í Guangdong, Kína, byrjum frá 2021, seljum til Mið-Austurlanda (20,00%), Norður-Ameríku (15,00%), Vestur-Evrópu (15,00%), Mið-Ameríku (15,00%), Suður-Ameríku (10,00%), Norður-Evrópu (10,00%), Suður-Evrópu (10,00%), Austur-Evrópu (5,00%), Suðaustur-Asíu (5,00%), Afríku (5,00%). Alls eru um 51-100 manns á skrifstofunni okkar.

2. Hvernig getum við tryggt gæði?
Alltaf forframleiðslusýni fyrir fjöldaframleiðslu;
Alltaf lokaskoðun fyrir sendingu;

3.Hvað er hægt að kaupa af okkur?
hádegismatsbox, vatnsflaska

4. Af hverju ættir þú að kaupa af okkur ekki frá öðrum birgjum?
Sérhæfir sig í framleiðslu á vélbúnaði og plastvörum, R & D teymi, moldverkstæði

5. Hvaða þjónustu getum við veitt?
Samþykkt Afhendingarskilmálar: FOB, EXW, FCA, DDP;
Samþykkt greiðslugjaldmiðill: USD;
Samþykkt greiðslutegund: núll;
Töluð tungumál: enska, kínverska, spænska, japanska, portúgalska, þýska, arabíska, franska, rússneska, kóreska, hindí, ítalska
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