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Aohea heitt nýtt vörur matarskápur fyrir börn matarskrá úr ryðfríu stáli bento matarskápur með anime gegnsæ loki

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Smáatriði Myndir
Anime glugga lokið úr ryðfríu stáli bento matarkasta
18*14*6 cm
940 ml
Skel : 8/18 SS304 ryðfrítt stál
360 g
Pappírspoki / upppoki
49cm * 38cm * 43cm
Qty / ctn
30 stk. / tonn
10,8 kg
12 kg
Ljósprentun logo/sílikónþéttalit
Vöru lýsing
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
um áóhea-eyđilegan
aohea er faglegur bento kassa framleiðandi, stofnað árið 2007, helstu vörur okkar eru hádegismatkassi, hádegismatapoka, börn kvöldmat set,vatnsflaska, geymslu kassa, ect. efni vörur okkar eru PP, abs, tritan, sílikon og ryðfríu stáli
Við kaupum frá Eastman Company frá Bandaríkjunum. Vörur okkar hafa verið viðurkenndar af Afríku, Norður- og Suður-Ameríku, ESB, Miðausturlöndum, Suðaustur-Asíu og öðrum löndum með framúrskarandi gæði. Við munum halda áfram að taka upp nýjar hugmyndir frá öllum heimshornum
vörur sem geta fært ánægju og þægindi fyrir viðskiptavini okkar.
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Freskleika varðveisla, hitað, örbylgjuofn, gufuð, flytjanleg, lekaþoli, önnur * eiginleiki: BPA-frjáls, háhitastefnuheld, áfallaheld, lekaþoli *hönnun: prentun merkið, teiknimyndarmerki eða sérs
Njóttu gæða með heilbrigðan lífsstíl matvælagráðu ryðfríu,tvílaga og rásar skiptingu,stærri getu,einangrun og kælingu,lekki-þoli,auðvelt að þrífa daglega hamingju byrjar með matreiðslu,óháður stíll án kross brag
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid factory
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid factory
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid details
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid factory
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Viðskiptavina myndir
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid manufacture
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid factory
Aohea Hot new product lunch box for kids food container stainless steel bento lunch box with Anime Transparent lid supplier
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