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R Bottiglia d'acqua metallica

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AOHEA doppia parete 316 in acciaio inossidabile cartone animato vassoio vuoto termotazza isolato bambini scuola sport bottiglia d'acqua con paglia

Descrizione del prodotto
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Descrizione dei prodotti
Nome del prodotto
AOHEA doppia parete 316 in acciaio inossidabile cartone animato vassoio vuoto termotazza isolato bambini scuola sport bottiglia d'acqua con paglia
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Profilo dell'azienda
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Yangjiangaohae Houseware Products Co., ltd.
la nostra azienda ha standard di ispezione di qualità rigorosi, dopo una serie di screening, con standard quasi rigorosi per ottenere la migliore qualità. come uno dei principali produttori di prodotti in plastica in Cina, la nostra azienda ha una buona reputazione di mercato, ampi canali commerciali, una solida base di clienti e una forte competitività di mercato.
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Processo di produzione
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw supplier
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
saloni espositivi
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw manufacture
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw details
Aohea Double Wall 316 Stainless Steel Cartoon Vacuum Flask Thermos Cup Insulated Kids School sports Water Bottle with Straw factory
Domande frequenti
D: Sei una fabbrica o una società commerciale?a: siamo sia commercianti che produttori.
D: Accetta ordini di assicurazione commerciale?A: Sì, molto appoggiato.
D: che ne dici del MOQ?a: 20 pezzi.
D: che ne dite di campioni?A: potremmo inviare 1-3pcs campioni gratuiti per voi controllare la qualità e il trasporto di merci raccogliere.
D: può fare disegni personalizzati/ dimensioni/ imballaggi?A: Sì, certo.
D: che ne dici del controllo qualità?a: abbiamo superato i certificati LFGB, BSCI. abbiamo il nostro QC per controllare le produzioni di massa in fabbrica. contattateci per ottenere campioni

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